Dear Baby Boy

Dear Baby Boy,

I love you to the moon and back. But more importantly,

I love you so much that when you spit up on me I don't gag and throw up on you.
I love you so much that I don't mind not sleeping in.
I love you so much that I'm willing to watch a movie in 30 minute chunks.
I love you so much that I don't get mad when you pull everything out of the dishwasher.
I love you so much that when you won't stop crying, I'm not thinking about my ears, but what I can do to make you feel better.
I love you so much that I am willing to spend more time at Target (ok, so that's not hard, but still!)
I love you so much that Belle quickly became “just a cat”.
I love you so much that errands can take me all day and it's ok.
I love you so much that I will sit with you for half an hour while you figure out whether or not you like chicken.
I love you so much I can lose track of time just watching you sleep.
I love you so much that my vocabulary sometimes gets reduced to sound effects.
I love you so much that reading “Elmo's First Book of Colors” 18 times a day is actually fun.
I love you so much that just seeing your smile can melt away all my tension.
I love you so much that I don't mind changing my shirt five times in one day.
I love you so much that it's easy to choose to laugh instead of cry when things get rough.

Remember, I love you today, I'll love you tomorrow, and I'll love you forever.
Love, Mom


  1. crazy how becoming a mom changes everything. love you sister! (and love you too, baby boy!!!)

  2. Kali, seeing (and reading about) your love for him is a beautiful thing!! He is a blessed little boy to have you! love, Mom (this is not an anonymous post... just the only way I know how to post :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Amazingly sweet, honey! Sorry I didn't see it till just now. I loved watching you with him when we were in CA and I loved reading this now!

    After a gray, rainy day, the sun is now brightly shining and I envision seeing a rainbow (I'm sure there's one somewhere and it's beautiful :) I love you, Mom


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