I Have Prayed for This Child

M and I are having one of those days.  He's acting like a 1 year old and I want him to understand me like a 5 year old.  Every time I turn around, something has been pulled off a shelf.  Every time I try to do something like empty the dishwasher, M needs me with sudden clinginess.  Instead of saying please, I constantly am reminding him not to whine.  His room is covered in books, clothes that he's pulled out of his drawer, and diapers (thankfully clean!).  I'm exhausted and ready to close my bedroom door and cry.  But instead I bend to pick up the books and realize that his daily flip calendar is still on March.  So I change it to today's date, and here was the verse:

1 Samuel 1:27 (NCV) "I prayed for this child, and the Lord answered my prayer and gave him to me."

Then the tears came.  I have been praying for this sweet little boy since before I knew him.  It has always been my  heart's desire to be a mother, and he has heard my cry and answered.  M has been a gift from day one.  Is every day fun?  No.  But every day is precious!  Did the toys magically pick themselves up?  Did the whining magically stop?  Of course not.  But suddenly I felt grateful and my whole attitude changed.  Instead of pulling M's hand away from the CD player for the 100th time, I got out his toy phone with buttons that he could push.  I left the clothes where they were and sat down and played with my little boy, and decided to enjoy this time that will undoubtedly go by way to fast.  And as I sang to him before his nap, I thanked God for this tiny boy, for the gift of singing him to sleep, and for the many many prayers he has answered.


  1. Kali, what a precious mom you are! May God continue to bless you and give you the patience, peace and joy that He so abundantly gives. Love you!

  2. You had to go and make me cry, didn't you? Beautiful post. I remember reading prayers for your future foster son/daughter at your old apartment on that chalkboard and thinking about how blessed he or she would be. You are an awesome mama!!

  3. Kali thank you for this reminder! God is amazing at revealing Himself just when we need it! Thank you for being willing to show your heart and be open & real! Praying for you guys! Much love to you guys!!
    Love, Jacque

  4. He is so blessed to have you as his Mommy. ~Julie T.

  5. What a sweet post and reminder for us all:-)
    Thanks Kali, your a great mommy:-)

  6. Great post :) Sophie's at a super clingy stage right now (I think partly because we're moving right now and all of her surroundings are different and she's living in craziness)... and sometimes it's just frustrating that I'm the only one she wants. But I'm trying to appreciate these moments and be thankful that she loves me so much.


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