The Boy's Weekend

A guy's weekend for Zach used to mean a wonderful relaxed weekend for me - movies with friends, ice cream for dinner, Netflix deliveries that were all chick-flick and no boom, sleeping in, shopping, and reading with no interruptions. Of course I missed him and was always ready for him to come home, but it was a nice change of pace and we both felt like we'd had a little vacation.

This weekend Zach's gone fishing and I am home with Baby M. It's definitely been a different weekend! When I walked into the kitchen the other day and found both M and Belle surrounded by dozens and dozens of grocery bags, all I could do was shake my head and laugh. The work doesn't end - the dishes, the diapers, the laundry, the baths - and I've had to remember to laugh instead of cry, pick my battles, say a prayer of thanks for my wonderful husband who usually does the early morning diaper change, and be very creative. When I feel like all my energy is gone, I have to lean on the One who promises supernatural strength. Taking out the trash involved single handedly maneuvering Baby M into a backback carrier - why didn't God give mom's four arms? - and hauling him and the trash out to the dumpster. Dinner's have been snickers bars and yogurt, and sleeping in has been... well nonexistent. But it's been a fun mommy-son weekend. I've treasured the giggles and the times I've gotten to read and play with him. We've gone on walks and gone swimming. There's something amazing about waking up to a smiling baby and holding a sleeping one. I am thankful for friends and family who are willing to work around his schedule and watch movies after he goes to sleep. I'm so grateful for the extra hands that have been offered and the conversations that still happen. And we're more than ready for Zach to come home!


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