Love Freely

Seeing someone play with a child is incredibly therapeutic. Seeing a grandpa play with his foster grandson with absolute adoration and abandon, with no reference to "foster", that's the kind of love that makes you tear up. Yesterday I was incredibly blessed to see love freely given. My father-in-law is an incredible example of what it means to love like this. He showered M with hugs, kisses, "I love yous", and smiles. He is giving this little boy something he desperately needs - love and a strong loving male role-model. My sister-in-law put it into words well: she said, "It's amazing how I can just love him so much, yet I didn't even know about him a month ago!"

Many people have said to me that they don't know how we are able to do this; they would get too attached. In a way, they're right; attachment is hard. To be perfectly honest, I cannot picture giving my sweet baby back to his family. I become physically ill when I picture the scenario. So I don't. This is not about me. This is about my baby boy. I think about today. I am blessed to be able to love him and meet his needs today. And Lord-willing tomorrow. And the next day. All I know is that he is with me now and he needs me now. I am such a planner, and God has been molding and shaping my heart to be focused on the present and not worried about the future. I find peace in the fact that, while M might be leaving our home, he won't be leaving God's sight. God has this little boy in his hands, he has a plan for him, and we were allowed to play a role in his plan. God won't forget about him when he leaves our home.

If you are someone who feels that they couldn't do foster care because they would become too attached, because they would love too much, I would honestly encourage you to find someone to lavish this excess love upon. Our hearts aren't meant to be held shut because we don't want to get hurt. The fact that you are able to love that much is a gift to be shared.

Foster care might not be meant for everyone. But I do think that everyone can be involved. By reading this blog and praying, you're involved. By babysitting or teaching a foster child, you're involved. Maybe God is calling you to bring a child into your home. And because you're involved, I challenge you to let your heart go a little bit and love these kids freely - you never know what you'll be given in return.


  1. I seriously need to not wear mascara when I read your blog... I get so emotional every time. I do love baby M so much and definitely don't want to think about him leaving our family...but I know that God already has that taken care of. In the meantime, we get to love and love and love as much as we can! :)

    also...I'm going to repost this... hopefully that's okay! I just think it's a message that as many people need to read as possible.

    Love you!


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