He Moves

I wish with all my heart that I were sitting here writing to you with a baby in my arms. About a week ago, we asked you to pray – pray that our fingerprints would clear, pray for patience, pray for these precious little ones. And yet I sit here without news, without fingerprint clearance, and without ears perked for a phone call asking us to come pick up a child. Does that mean that God hasn't heard or answered our prayers?

Absolutely not. I have come to have a deep sense of peace that his ways are not my ways, and that his timing is perfect, not mine. I have realized that what hurts me hurts him infinitely more, and he weeps for these broken children. He has not forgotten them. He is tending to them in ways I cannot imagine, and when the time is right, he will let me join him in this work. Our prayers have intensified for these children. And we are continuing to learn the voice of our good shepherd.

Our pastor has been preaching through a series titled “You Were Made For This”. He challenged us to delve into Scripture and discover what our spiritual gifting is. Through a variety of tools, I have learned that I have been given the gift of Faith. God is calling me now to use this gift for his kingdom. When I am often asked, “Any babies yet?”, my first reaction is to feel foolish, wondering if somehow we got our wires crossed and God isn't really calling us to this. “No, no babies yet... I know... it's been months...” But this is where faith comes in. At the very core of my being, I know this isn't true. I know that God has led us this far and will not abandon us. I know that everything we have accomplished so far is because of him. I know that we are waiting for a reason. Logic tries to defy this; peace reinforces it.

So thank you for praying. God is working. God is listening. And He is answering.


  1. And you texted me at 12:11 your time that you were certified - wow! God is in control and has the perfect baby for you - as you trust him and rest in his care, yep, you said it so beautifully, Logic tries to defy this; peace reinforces it. I love you! Mom


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