Dear Baby Boy

Dear Baby Boy,

Yesterday I took you to the doctor. You were so brave. When it was time for your shots, I didn't want to set you down. I was afraid for you. I smiled and cooed and tried to take your attention away from the pain. When you grabbed my fingers as the needle went in, my heart broke. I hated to see you in pain. But I was honored to be there, to hold you, to let you know that I am here to protect you, to love you, to kiss away your hurts, and hold you when nothing else seems to help. You fussed and cried that afternoon, but in my arms you were at peace. Oh baby boy, that means the world to me. I can't always protect you from pain. Unfortunately pain is a part of life. But when it hurts, I am here. When you cry, I am here. When you laugh, my world lights up. When you sneezed sweet potatoes all over me and gave me the biggest smile, everything somehow seemed right. And when you cry, I want to do everything in my power to make it right. You all ready set down deep roots. No matter how long you are with us, you will always be my baby boy.

Love, Mom


  1. wow, you tugged my heartstrings, my sweet baby girl :)


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