Everything Begins With Poop (please pardon the potty talk)

I'm finding myself in quite a new predicament: way too many of my conversations are about poop. As someone who has a difficult time even saying the word “poop”, this is a bit distressing. When a baby is born, he doesn't ask you to talk to him about his poop; and yet we do. My husband doesn't come home from work asking about poop; but I tell him anyway. What is with the poop? Why is it suddenly such a fascinating topic? Why don't I talk to my baby about the book I'm reading (haha – what book?) or the latest episode of Modern Family (oh wait, it's still in my hulu queue waiting to be watched).

I need grownups in my life. Not only to remind me that poop is not appropriate dinner conversation, but to remind me that I am still me. I still have my own thoughts, my own opinions, and my own questions. Thanks to technology, I can get news updates quickly and still be informed about what's going on in the world. I don't have to check out because I'm around a person all day who doesn't know Japan from a Haiti. Thanks to amazon.com I can read book synopsis of the latest bestsellers and sound like I'm in the know. At the next barbecue, I am going to confidently start a conversation about Manny Ramirez quitting baseball (and all my Angels loving friends will roll their eyes at me). But the important thing is that I know he's quitting! And I will show my friends that I am still me by proving that I really don't know anything about baseball except what's on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

Things are changing as this little one gets used to our life. But I am still me. Zach is still Zach. So to all the moms and dads out there – please go out and enjoy your friends. And don't mention poop.


  1. Ahahahaa Kali, welcome to motherhood! It gets really fun when poop changes colors depending upon what they have eaten, good times. So tomorrow night I won't talk poop, know that with other mommy friends it's usually ok to have those conversations. And yes the balance between self & mother/parent can get lost quite often. Try to have a date night, watch a movie together, or share a glass of wine. Also try to make time for you to do even the simple things like take a shower or do your hair. And a crockpot can be a best friend. We are praying for you guys and are here for any questions or venting you may have.


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