The Mondays

I woke up this morning with a bad case of The Mondays.  I mean bad.  Monday is usually a reset day for us after busy weekends.  But this morning I was just over it.  I didn't want to unload the dishwasher.  I didn't want to change Matt's sheets (potty training is great, but exhausting).  I kind of just wanted to sit in a corner with my coffee and pout.  But if I decide to be Mrs. Crankypants, then the kids become Crankypants Jrs, and that just makes everything worse.  I just felt like life was on this 'lather, rinse, repeat, lather, rinse, repeat' cycle of monotony. Pick up the toys just so the kids can dump them out again.  Unload the dishwasher just to load it up again.  Read Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs again.  Again again again.

But then by my second cup of coffee, I remembered what someone at church said a few weeks ago.  A Stay-At-Home-Mom herself, she felt caught up in the same monotony.  But she shared that she was thankful that God continually was instilling in her a sense of purpose - a reason for the monotony.  A higher goal.  It's not about the laundry or the carpooling.  Her life's goal was not to wipe up one more mess.  It's about raising godly children.  It's about providing a stable and loving home.  It's about teaching responsibility and independence.  It's about doing your job to the best of your abilities, whether it's your dream job or not.  And it's about knowing deep down that God is up to something in your life, whether you can feel it or not.

So whether you're doing your fourth load of laundry or filling out the same report at work, I hope that you too are able to realize God's higher purpose and love for you today.  Happy Monday!


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