The Return of Words

A funny thing happened to me about a year ago. I found out we were pregnant! With all the joy and excitement came something commonly called Pregnancy Brain. I've mentioned this before. Where before I could spend an hour telling Zach about the latest episode of "The Biggest Loser" (sad, but true), I now couldn't remember if I had watched it. My vocabulary was turning into one syllable words. And grocery shopping? If it wasn't written down, it wasn't bought. This unfortunately left us toiletpaperless several times. So writing definitely wasn't going to happen. I would stare at my journal or the computer screen and wait for words to magically appear. But they wouldn't. So I decided to give myself maternity leave. I knew that once our baby girl was born, my brain would return and I would be so inspired by the wonder of birth and new life that the words would just flow out of me. Ah... Hindsight is not only 20/20, it's often hilarious. Peyton was born five months ago and I haven't written a word. You see, pregnancy brain turns into mommy brain. And once you have more than one kid, this fragile mommy brain turns to mush. How am I supposed to write when I can't remember to change out of my spit-up stained shirt before I go to Target?

But when Peyton started sleeping through the night a couple of months ago, I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I felt my personality begin to shine through the zombie that had taken over my body. And I am now feeling words again and I am beginning to have my own thoughts that go beyond "when did I feed her last?" and "how do people do this with more than 2?" So I hope to be blogging again. But there are no guarantees. In fact, the only reason I'm writing now is because Zach is on spring break and entertaining Thing One while Thing Two is sleeping. But since words need an outlet, and there is often not enough time to write a blog, I have gone to the dark side - I have joined Twitter. So if you want to hear a thought or two, to be my coworker when I need to vent, you can find me at (Kali Hocking @ahparenting)


  1. O[k, Twitter is the equivalent to when I switched to reading magazines instead of books when you were all little :)

  2. How encouraging to know that my brain will return to me eventually! I find it's often a struggle just to remember how I want to finish a sentence! Last week, I had a really good thought in the car, but by the time I got home, I had forgotten what it was. Oh, well. At least I was left with the happy feeling that I had had a great thought, even if I never got to share it with anybody...


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