Good Enough For Today

I love the environment.  I am thankful for the clean air I get to breathe and for a husband who knows what's recyclable off the top of his head.  I firmly believe in conserving our earth's precious resources.  But today my kitchen sink was dirty.  Very very dirty.

So today I cleaned the kitchen sink with Clorox wipes.  About 20 of them.  I could have gotten out the sponges and the vinegar and the hot water and the baking soda, but today I needed something fast and convenient.  I needed something that I didn't have to worry about spilling and I needed to be readily available to run my football helmet wearing-ball wielding-potty training toddler to the bathroom.  Or snatch a fallen Sophie giraffe for my teething infant.  Or intercept a rogue ball headed toward said infant's head.

I also was running short on time and low on energy, so I decided to make a smoothie for lunch.  But the dishwasher was full and I hate doing the dishes, plus my sink was clean.  It would be a shame to dirty it so quickly.  So I stuck a straw in the blender and drank it while I cleaned up after the little ones.

I know that many of you will probably tell me that if I did it right, then being green would be just as fast and convenient.  And that my eating habits will form those of my children.  If I think about it too much I will probably start to feel guilty and that I'm a terrible mother.  But today I have decided that I'm not going to feel guilty.  Nor am I going to be embarrassed that I couldn't be bothered to get a glass out of the cupboard.  My sink is clean and I ate a healthy filling lunch.  That's good enough for today.

Maybe this weekend will be a good time to get out the buckets and vinegar and give the house a good old fashioned scrub down.  Maybe I'll decide the fix a healthy lunch with fresh veggies and sit down with a fork at the table.  But the weather is supposed to be gorgeous this weekend and we're going on a family hike on Saturday.  And church on Sunday (here's something that I learned last week - never rely on your children to be your alarm clock, because inevitably that will be the one day they both decide to sleep in).  So maybe I'll end up wiping the counters with disposable wipes again.  But I will be spending precious time with my family.  And that's good enough for every day.


  1. Sweetie, you make me smile :) I remember doing similar things! Well said and well written!! I love you, Mom


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