
I have met my mortal enemy. Did you know that cheerios have the ability to multiply by 5 as soon as they hit the ground? And they will hit the ground! Based on my recent research, and by that I mean breakfast, 2% of all cheerios on the highchair tray actually reach M's mouth and the rest... well, hopefully we'll find them all when we move. These things bounce like rubber balls and end up everywhere from the kitchen floor to Baby M's pajamas. When I lift him out of his chair it's like a meteor shower of cheerios beneath him. And they crunch! You know the feeling you get when you realize you've stepped on a snail? That's how I feel when I hear the crunch of a cheerio beneath my foot. If any of my former college classmates could see me now, crawling around on the floor in my pajamas, they would definitely think, “Wow! She's gone far!”

Ok, well maybe I haven't “gone far”. But I'm right where I want to be, cheerios and all. It's 8:30 in the morning, and I think I will bake some cookies and maybe read some of The Count of Monte Cristo when M goes down for a nap. Ok, who am I kidding, I'll fall asleep in two minutes.

I better go; M has overturned the cat's water dish all over himself. This truly is a life I wouldn't have imagined for myself, and I am loving it!


  1. I understand... of course, Sophie isn't eating cheerios yet, but I understand that thought of, "I have a degree, and I'm doing THIS!" But really, I know in my the deepest part of my heart that there's nothing I'd rather be doing.


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