Little Fingers
My cousin and her husband have spent the last year teaching in Thailand. I've been following their blog, and their stories are amazing - the food, the traveling, the adventures! As I read their last post, I thought to myself, "I have adventures, right? I'm fun, right?" You better believe it! Let me tell you about my latest adventure: I am an introvert. I value my alone time very much and am a better person for it. When you have a little one, the idea of alone time needs to be modified. So for me, it has meant my time in the bathroom. In our small home, Zach and I have a closed-bathroom-door policy. We (really it's me) just can't do the comfortable open-door-share-the-bathroom-shower-and-use-the-toilet thing that many people can. I have been told that I have issues. But it is the one place in the house that is not over-run with baby stuff. It's quiet. The fan makes a nice white noise. And no one judges you for going in there. But then it...