It Takes A Village
They say it takes a village to raise a family. I am so incredibly blessed to be a part of many villages. There is my family – incredible people who have already accepted our little one as their grandbaby, their niece or nephew, their cousin. I am humbled and honored to be part of a church that is willing to make everyone family. The wonderful ladies of Sunkist showered us with beautiful gifts to help raise our little one. Whether birthed by me or not, these little ones will be our children and I am so blessed to know that our church will step up and love them and support them, and pray for them, as such. This is what a church should be – not a place of judgment or façades. It is a place where people rise up to help their brothers and sisters and welcome us just as we are. And then there is my village of friends. Thank you all – friends, family, and church - for the encouragement, support, and love that you have all shown us as we have headed into very unknown territory. We love you so much and cherish your friendships.
Aw...I love you!