Carol's Handprints

Four and a half years ago, three novice cyclists decided to take on 90 miles of wine country to raise money for the National MS Society. We trained, fund-raised, and made the long drive up to Sonoma, where we quickly realized we had no idea what we were up against. My adorable teal Townie was no match for the hills and one of us may have ridden most of the day in a high gear. We showered in trucks, slept in a tent, woke up sore and exhausted, but also incredibly proud of what our tiny little team did. We might not have raised the funds that Team Google did or ridden the 150 mile route that the seasoned cyclists did, but together we rode in honor of an amazing women with the hope that the funds we raised could somehow be used for her in her fight against MS. 

Four and a half years later, we are standing together again. Once again in honor of Carol Klingsmith, who two months ago passed away from pneumonia complicated by her MS, and this time with the hope that any funds we raise will go toward research and programs to help others who are still fighting. This year we have once again created Carol’s Handprints and will be walking Walk MS together, this time in remembrance. We will cry together and laugh together, and walk for and with those who know exactly the pain that MS can cause, but also for the hope that the future can hold. 

We invite you to join us. Multiple Sclerosis is an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and the body.  The National MS Society is the leading provider of programs and services for people in our community living with MS.  They invest more money in MS research than any other volunteer driven health organization in the world.  Our goal is to raise $1000 - and we'd love to blow this goal out of the water.  Whether this sounds like a little or a lot, every dollar helps in the fight against MS.  So a little or a lot, I'm asking you to please consider making a contribution.  You can easily contribute to our campaign at . Simply click the Donate button and choose a name to give specifically to a team member's campaign or Make a Team Donation to give to the general campaign.

We are just a few of the people who carry Carol's handprints on our hearts.  She has left a lasting mark on so many of us.  There isn't a person she has met whom she hasn't touched.  Thank you in advance for your generosity in making a difference toward a world free of MS.  

Click the link below to donate directly to my campaign.  


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