Here's to Hot Showers, the Bible, and All Things Pink and Sparkly
The past three months of three three and under have been rough. Some days I have felt like I've just gone through the motions. Some days are so monotonous that I really can't even tell you how the week's been. And some days have been so rough that I just want to cry into my pillow at night, feeling like an utter failure. And some days are so fun that I can't wait to tell anyone and everyone that I am the luckiest person in the world with the best job. And those days often have to carry me through the others.
The problem with all of that is that I'm relying on other people and circumstances to make me happy. I am relying on "something" to make the day worth it. And in this process, I have not only forgotten the One Who Gives Me Strength, but I have forgotten a big part of myself. It hasn't been that long, but I've forgotten how much I love long hot showers. They've become such a quick must-do chore, to be finished late at night while I'm fighting to stay awake, or while I distract M with a movie while I pray the babies stay asleep. I've stayed up on current events, but I've forgotten how much I love being with my friends. I've lost sight of the pleasure of reading my Bible. I haven't thought about how much I love to cook, because cooking has become a chore to complete with three little ones running around who couldn't care less if it's lunch meat and cheese or grilled chicken over risotto. I don't think about how much I like taking walks - it just seems like a whole lot of work instead.
Three under three is not impossible. Moms do more with more every day. And I am in absolute awe of them. But it becomes a lot harder when you let caring for little ones take away the joy that you find in doing things you've always loved.
So here's to 28. To reminding myself of the things that I really like. To rediscovering my relationship with Christ. And to seeking out new things - a new recipe, a new book genre, maybe even learning to love camping and biking. To loving my family more and more each day. To sparkles and glitter and all things pink. And knowing that hot showers are totally worth it.
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