Straight from the Source

Philip Yancy.  Torn.  Rachel Held Evans.  Thomas Keller.  What's So Amazing About Grace?  God Will Use This For Good.  John McArthur.  The Wounded Healer.  Joni Eareckson Tada.  In The Name Of Jesus.  These books and authors have helped me work through countless questions, fears, and heartache.  They have encouraged me in my darkest times and helped me heal through the pains of life.  My Goodreads "To Read" shelf is full of books like Max Lucado's It's Not About Me and The Missional Mom by Helen Lee.  I have wept through them, journaled quotes that stood out, and been lifted up as God shows up time and time again.  These authors, and countless others, have put my own struggles into beautiful words, and have found answers to things I thought were hopeless.

But do you see something missing?  Where's the Bible on this list?  Why is it that when my heart hurts I Google some of my favorite writers or bloggers to see what they have to say on the matter?  Why is it, that when I face a moral or theological crossroad, I pull a book off my shelf and flip through it to see if the issue is listed in the index?  Where is the Bible in all of this?  These writers, scholars, and theologians have done amazing work and some have dealt with struggles beyond my imagination.  Some have dealt with exactly what I'm dealing with.  And so I appreciate their words, their wisdom, their insights.  I know that they have prayed over their works and that God is using them in mighty ways.  We are called to walk alongside others and to help carry one another's burdens.  And so I am blessed when I read about Joni's faith through physical pain.  But why don't I turn to Luke 8:40-55 to read about the woman who had dealt with bleeding for 12 years, who had been told she couldn't be healed?  And yet she still had faith that God could heal her.  She didn't give up; so why don't I slow myself down and reread through that passage and pray through that passage?  When I wonder where God has gone, why do I open Where Is God When It Hurts? instead of opening to the Psalms and praying through the prayers of David, who felt every emotion under the sun?

I'm great at breaking New Year's Resolutions.  It seems like their all shot by January 5th.  But I'm going to try to make this one stick.  It's pretty simple:  Bible first.  After all, why would I trust my deepest hurts and concerns to man before turning to the only infallible, God-breathed source?  I was given Half The Church: Recapturing God's Global Vision For Women by Carolyn Custis James last year and I am really looking forward to reading it.  But this time, I'm going to start by doing some reading on Lydia, Mary and Martha, Eve, Ruth, Deborah, Anna, and others straight from the source.


  1. Good reminder, Kali! It may be ironic to post this, but one of my favorite devotional books starts off:
    "His thoughts said, I have been reading a spiritual book and I am confused and tired with trying to understand.
    His Father said, Leave that book and read the Book that thou lovest best; thou wilt find it much simpler."
    How often we seek wisdom, comfort, and stability from other sources than the One who can truly help us!


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