A Thanksgiving Prayer

Dear Lord,
With Thanksgiving soon approaching, I wanted to stop and just say "thanks!"  You have blessed us so richly this year - thank you for Peyton and this amazing first year we've had with her.  Thank you for the incredible ways that Matt is growing and developing.  Thank you for their health, and their humor - thank you that they sleep through the night!  And thank you for Zach's new job - you have shown yourself faithful over and over again.  Thank you for our home and our families...

     You're welcome.  What are you going to do now?

What Lord?

     I have blessed you.  So what are you going to do with that?

Well... I thought we might just sit and enjoy it for a little while.
We've been working really hard.  And we've spent so much time
 in prayer lately, trusting you, and everything!  And I mean,
Christmas is coming, and vacation...

     Why do I bless you?  

Um... for my own enjoyment?  Eat, drink and be merry?

     You know that's not true.  

Ok... Sunday school answer: so that we can bless others and glorify you.

     Sarcasm aside, that's better.
Do you really feel like I"ve entrusted you with much? 
Do you feel as though I have blessed you? 

     Have you thought about opening your home again to another child?

It's crossed my mind, Lord, but we're just getting settled into
our new routine.  We have two kids now, and Zach's at a
new job... and we're in a new house... my parents are coming
for Thanksgiving...

     You've been there for two years.  
And I'm pretty sure Zach's adjusted to his 
job by now - doesn't he even come home for lunch?   

But things are so good right now - bringing in a new baby might mess that all up!

     Weren't things "so good" when it was just you and Zach? 
And how much more amazing are they now?

True... I can't even imagine my life without my kids.  But I'm so tired!

     Who isn't?  And you were tired before you had Matty. 
 And you were tired when Peyton was born. Remember all those 3am 
conversations we had when she was a newborn?  I don't know if we had
ever talked that much!  And I think you learned to rely on me all the more. 
Because didn't I provide you with the strength you needed?  
Weren't my mercies new every morning?  

I suppose so... but I feel like life is already so chaotic!

     What have you learned about this chaos?

That it's exhausting!  And my house doesn't stay clean!  And...
that it's pretty fun... And that your grace is sufficient for me...
and that I am happier now than I ever have been.


Oh Lord... but I'm scared.

     I know.  And I'm here.  

But what if I fall in love with this baby, and he's taken away?

Then you cling to the fact that I love him even more than you do, 
and that I have a plan for him - his story doesn't end if he leaves your home.  



I guess it's time.  I guess I'll call Olive Crest...

Then let me take care of the rest.


  1. God bless you Hockings!! You are faithful; He is faithful. ~Julie T.

  2. Beautifully written, Kali I love you :)


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