This Side of Five Years
It's time to be updated! It's time to move on from "The Five Year Plan - Revised" because Zach and I are now on the other side of our first 5 years! This also means that I am only two years away from being thirty... but more on my own aging issues later.
I cannot tell you how many couples I have met who tell me that they plan on having kids "probably in about five years". Why is 5 the magic number? Please do not take this condescendingly - I was one of them. What do we think would happen in these five years that would make us ready for children? What do we hope to accomplish? Where do we want to travel? How many bucket list items do we hope to cross off? I had it so nicely planned out. Married at 22, career at 23, kids at 27, house by 30... With these numbers I'd probably be telling my kids that I would be a grandma at 60 - no arguing! Who did I think I was? God? Thankfully he is patient and didn't smite me for my planning, but I'm sure I gave him a chuckle.
Thankfully living life with God means learning some lessons along the way. What have I learned in the past five years? Too many things to count. You can't foresee illness. You'll never be "ready" for kids. Never say never. I really like cupcakes. Gluten free food is gross. Gluten free food can be amazing. A clean home doesn't necessarily mean a happy home - and vice versa. Having kids causes you to lose brain cells. And your keys. And sometimes your sanity. Marriage is a lot of work. Marriage is a lot of fun. The Energizer Bunny is based on toddlers. Sometimes I act like a martyr. I secretly like watching Blues Clues. I check my phone way too many times during the day. Legos will inevitably find their way under your bare feet. Sometimes curse words just slip out. Lessons easy and hard. The main thing that I have learned though, is that I am not where I thought I would be. 2 kids at 27. "Career" ended at 25. We're still renting. And I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. For all the planning I did, we've been on quite a different journey.
Is planning wrong? I hope not - it's in my blood. I think I am honestly happiest when I am planning. We held Matt's birthday party a few weeks ago and after it I immediately started working on plans for Peyton's - for November! Sonia Sotomayor wrote in her memoir My Beloved World that "you cannot value dreams according to the odds of their coming true. Their real value is in stirring within us the will to aspire". I love this. I never want to stop aspiring. I never want to stop dreaming. But I have to do this with two things in mind: 1). I have to stop and be content where I am. Dreaming becomes a problem when it makes you discontent with what you have. 2). I can dream as long as I dream with open hands. I can plan as long as I am willing to submit these plans to the Lord and trust that He has my good in mind and that if we take a detour or if I never realize my dreams, that it is ok and that it truly is for the best. I have always loved Jeremiah 29:11, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'". For a planner like me, this is one of the best promises ever - God's planning too.
Kali, I love your writing! Even though I'm a grandma now, this brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. Thinking of all the things that I had "planned" and how my life has fulfilled so many of my dreams in spite of my planning! Thank you.