Back from Hiatus

My blog has been on a summer hiatus.  I usually like to write about the things that I've been thinking about, so this might lead you to believe that I've been doing very little thinking over the summer.  And you're partially right.  I've been spending my summer trying to be present, live in the moment, and enjoy the blessings I've been given.  Instead of writing, I traveled, took long naps, went swimming with my family, read a few books, and gained about 15 pounds (baby wanted ice cream, what can I say?).  And these things are all great!  But you won't learn half as much from life if you don't stop and reflect.  So to catch you up to speed...
  • On June 11, a judge declared us to be a forever family - Zach, Kali, and Matthew Sean Hocking.  I literally cannot find the words to express what that day felt like, but surrounded by our family, we felt our Father in heaven and his angels rejoicing with us.  We were so blessed to have family visit from Colorado, and were equally blessed to have our local family in the courtroom with us.  This chapter of foster care may have closed, but not the book, and we are so excited to see what God has ahead for us.  
  • On June 14 we found out that we will be having a little girl!  We're pondering her name and probably won't settle on it until we meet her, but until then it's a secret!
  • In July we spent a week in Nevada with good friends, enjoying the beauty of several incredible national and state parks.  Zach and Matt braved the heat (117 at one point!) and hiked through the canyons while I read several good books in the air-conditioned condo.  We had so much fun hiking, swimming, and indulging in Dairy Queen Blizzards.  
  • A few weeks later we headed north to the Bay Area to visit my brother and enjoy some amazing Clam Chowder.  Highlights from that also include Fentons Ice Cream in Piedmont, sea lions at Pier 39, and if you haven't been to Alcatraz, then I highly recommend it!  
  • Zach has gone back to work, and while we miss him here at home, we are thankful for the steady employment and the ministry field that it offers.  He's teaching 7th grade math again at a charter school in South LA.  
  • Just last Saturday we got to welcome a new sister to the family - Zach's brother got married and Matty and his adorable cousin were the Ring Bearer and Flower Girl.  It was a beautiful ceremony and we couldn't be happier for them!
Those are the highlights of the summer, but as I said, there is much reflection to be done.  Sometimes to get yourself out of a writing slump, you just have to put something on paper.  So many great things, happened over the summer, which means there are grains of truth to be gleaned.  As Kierkegaard wrote, "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."


  1. How'd I miss this one??! :) I've missed your writing, sweetie - a pleasure as always! Living life to the fullest, loving your family, you are indeed blessed and I'm blessed to be your mom and to have you for my daughter. Love to you, Zach, Matty and sweet baby granddaughter, Mom


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