And we're having...

Even though the secret's out already, I thought I'd wrap up my Old Wives Tales experiment.  Here are four more that I tried to see whether or not pink or blue lay in our future:

Old Wives Tale 6:  if you're carrying high, break out the pink. If your bump is low, you're carrying a boy.

Gender: I feel like this one's a little too early to tell.  It's also hard not having anything to compare it to.  So I'll consider this one a draw.  

Old Wives Tale 7: If you feel less attractive now, then you are having a girl.  The belief is that baby girls steal their mothers' beauty.  

Gender: I'm going to go girl on this one!  This is definitely an interesting time!  The person in the mirror is suddenly not matching your mental picture of yourself and it takes some adjustment.  Also the hormones are not helping my skin!  Girl all the way!

Old Wives Tale 8: If you have had severe morning sickness, you're having a girl.  Little or no morning sickness means you're having a boy.

Gender: I take this one with an extreme grain of salt.  A good friend of mine had no morning sickness for either pregnancy and she has a beautiful son and a daughter.  And one person's severe is another's minor annoyance.  But based on my own perception, I did not feel good, so I'll go with girl.  

And the final test I kept for last because I have been told by many that this one really works!

Old Wives Tale 9: Tue your wedding ring to a string.  Hang it over your belly. If it swings in a circle, then you're having a boy.  If it goes back and forth, then you're having a girl.  

Gender:  The string definitively swung back and forth, so we must be having a girl!

So the final score is 3 for Boy - 5 for Girl  

But the true test of them all is the ultrasound.  And based on that, we know that we are having a Baby Girl!  So whether or not the other tests were true or not, it was fun dreaming about the little person that we just can't wait to meet!  


  1. One more fun one you can look forward to: in your third trimester: if you have lots of heartburn, you can expect your little one to have a full head of hair. Little to no heartburn and she's probably bald. :)
    (my OB's nurse told me that one. and I had heartburn and john had hair, so it was true for me at least.)


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