The Man You Want to Marry

I am no relationship expert, but I do have a thought or two on choosing the man you want to marry. This past week I have been a hacking-sniffling-shuffling-self-pitying-nap taking-kleenex throwing-tea drinking-sweats-wearing version of myself.  Not the prettiest thing to see.  But Zach is my hero.  He is the embodiment of self-less love. Thankfully he married me before he saw this mopey version of myself.  But here are some of the finer points I've learned this week:

1.  Marry a man who knows how to find food.  Be it take-out, a bowl of cereal, or the grocery store, do not marry a man who relies solely on you for his food.

2.  Marry a man who will go to the store for Sudafed and come back with ice cream too.  Enough said.

3.  Marry a man who will buy kleenex in the pretty box because he knows it'll make you smile and that smiling is healing.

4.  Marry a man who, even though he doesn't understand why you don't drink coffee when you're sick, or why you can't swallow cough medicine or why the foodnetwork makes you feel better, will still make you tea, dilute your cough syrup in 7up, and turn the TV on for you.  He doesn't need to understand, he just needs to help.

5.  Marry a man who loves you for you, and remind him that you will get better soon.  This is the man who will do the dishes even though he doesn't care if they sit out all night.  He knows it bothers you and that you want them done.  And he loved you anyway.


  1. man after my own heart - I married one, too :)

  2. I forgot to add one, Marry a man who goes to the store to buy bread and comes back with flowers, too :-)

  3. So true!! Or marry a man who when dating leaves your house at 3:30am to only turn around to come back and pick you up for a 6am sign in and surprises you with Dunkin Donuts sitting on the front seat hot and ready to be eaten:) Great post!! Thank you, I've snatched one of those men up too;-)


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