Well Done
On January 8th, Jesus welcomed my mother saying, "Well done, my good and faithful servant". On January 19th we celebrated her life with friends and family. I thought long and hard over what I would share during her service. Words could never do this incredible woman justice. I thought about the suffering she endured here on earth. So much suffering. There is no question about the MS that took a toll on her body, especially over the last 14 years. But no one has really addressed the suffering that my mom dealt with from 1998-2008 as she raised three preteens and teenagers. People have talked about the joy she had as she chose Jesus instead of bitterness, but what about the joy she chose to find in sitting through 27 middle school and high school plays – not just once, but every single performance? She deserves a plaque at Vienna Christian School. We talk about Mom's perseverance through her pain, but what about the ways that she persevered through conversation as I reco...