Lessons from Three

It's been a few weeks since our sweet baby D went back home to his family. What a roller coaster! Sometimes fun, sometimes exhausting, sometimes frustrating, sometimes fulfilling... you name it, we probably felt it. And our family grew in leaps and bounds. After a very rough first week, I told Zach that I didn't think we could do it, that I was too tired, and that the kids were suffering - suffering, gasp, because they no longer had my complete and undivided attention! Suffering because they had to wait their turn, and suffering because my lap was sometimes filled with someone else! And Zach said the most amazing thing, the thing that carried me and will carry me through each new placement. He said, "Our kids are fine. They know that we love each other and that we love them. Matt is at an age where he needs to learn that we have an open home, that we love other people too. And Peyton is at an age where she needs to learn that she is ...