Bike MS

I will be the first to tell you that I am not big on exercising. At least not on the actually ACT of exercising. I love the theory of it - taking care of your body, extending your life, increasing your endorphin levels, becoming stronger and more balanced... but if it requires me to become the least bit uncomfortable, I'd rather pass. I'd also be the first to tell you that I'm passionate about many things. The first probably because my introverted, shy, and rather passive personality does not leave me big on expressing these passions. If it will cause contention or disagreement, count me out. If I have to speak in public, eek. If I have to defend myself against a difference of opinion, I'll keep my mouth shut. Now what if there was something that could get me off my lazy butt and support a cause that I care deeply about? What if I could get myself to exercise and get all those benefits while using my voice to spread a message? Well wou...