
Showing posts from August, 2012

This is my Brain on Pregnancy

Pregnancy symptoms run the gamut.  There's everything from needing to pee all the time to your fingernails growing like magic.  There's nausea, there's heartburn, there's snoring.  I've been told that peanut butter and bananas are great first trimester foods because they taste the same coming up as going down and I'm pretty sure I've woken myself up snoring.  There are the mood swings in which you watch Sex in the City and find yourself crying uncontrollably (true story).  You might wake up in the middle of the night and say to yourself, "Hm... pizza sounds really good right now!" which might lead to the weight gain.  I remember a rhyme we learned at freshman orientation in college that went something along the lines of, "My back aches, my bra's too tight, my hips shake from left to right..."  I'm pretty sure that it was written by a pregnant lady. But the one that I want to focus on today is the, for lack of a better word, ...

The Reset Button

Every person needs to find out what their reset button is.  It doesn't matter if you're a mom, a man, a woman, single, or married, everyone has a time when they need to just reset their day.  Maybe you missed your train, or your alarm clock didn't go off.  Maybe you got yelled at or got in a fight with your mom.  Sometimes your system just starts to crash, and the only way to avoid a complete hard drive failure is to reboot.  Mine  started to crash today after I accidentally fell asleep on the couch while Matty was playing nicely in the living room.  This should be the perfect time for a tiny cat nap, right?  Toddler plays quietly with his blocks and Mommy quickly dozes.  Anyone who has ever seen a toddler knows where this is going. Toddlers have something called "stealth mode".  It gives them the ability to a.) realize that mommy or daddy isn't paying attention, even when their back is turned, and b.) gives them the power to perform a...

Back from Hiatus

My blog has been on a summer hiatus.  I usually like to write about the things that I've been thinking about, so this might lead you to believe that I've been doing very little thinking over the summer.  And you're partially right.  I've been spending my summer trying to be present, live in the moment, and enjoy the blessings I've been given.  Instead of writing, I traveled, took long naps, went swimming with my family, read a few books, and gained about 15 pounds (baby wanted ice cream, what can I say?).  And these things are all great!  But you won't learn half as much from life if you don't stop and reflect.  So to catch you up to speed... On June 11, a judge declared us to be a forever family - Zach, Kali, and Matthew Sean Hocking.  I literally cannot find the words to express what that day felt like, but surrounded by our family, we felt our Father in heaven and his angels rejoicing with us.  We were so blessed to have family visit fro...