
Showing posts from November, 2020

On Staying Home

You know how, when you get the common cold, it's super annoying, and you feel crummy, but life still has to go on, and everyone gets them, so you can't really even complain?  Yeah, that's what killed my mom.   My mom died from the common cold.  The obnoxious annoying runny nose and cough that most of us easily work through, quickly recover from, and usually beat multiple times a year. It took one cold in the year 2019 to begin the rapid timeline of my mom's passing.  One cold that, for her MS-weakened body, quickly turned into pneumonia, which again, is something that we healthy people regularly recover from. But for my mom's immunocompromised body, it was too much. On January 8th, 2019, Jesus brought his good and faithful servant home, handed over to Him by her husband and children.  She was only 59. I know many people aren't afraid of COVID-19.  I know many people think that those staying home are just living in fear. I know many people have the atti...