My Dance Card is Full... But Not Because I Don't Want to Dance with You

My dance card is full... but not because I don't want to dance with you. It's because there are three little lives who have currently filled out lines 1-10. With their tiny little hands they have scribbled in their names and in the margin they have written "we get 11-20 also". Their dances do not mesh with mine - I'd prefer a slow dance to the cacophony of sounds they are currently jamming to. Courtesy of Special Collections, University of Houston Libraries The dance of the week is Sickness - not that they chose it on purpose, but it is what they are playing. I'd prefer Health or Energy. And while sometimes just two of us dance, at other times all three join in. We look like a one-man-band, stumbling around, one on my back, one trying to lead, one dancing to a completely different rhythm, and me, just waiting for the song to end. The other dancers have cleared the floor, because, let's be honest, Sickness is not a dance anyone wants to join. ...