"I totally would If I.."
The month of May was National Foster Care Month. In light of this I wanted to wrap up a few thoughts I had. Much of our family's story is familiar to many of you who have have walked with us on this journey, the many of you who have cried with us and celebrated with us, have carried us when we've been exhausted, and have lived life alongside us. Zach and I were so humbled and blessed to share our story in a few different settings over the month. Humbled because so many of you out there have greater stories and have done so much more than we have, but we pray that God would use our little voices for his glory. We are not the poster children for foster care - what we are is the poster children for God's grace and redemption, as are each one of you who calls himself a Christ follower. But prayerfully, our journey as a foster family would speak to you in your own walk with the Lord, in demonstrating God's amazing grace when we walk with faith. ...