Dream big, Beautiful

Have you seen the Verizon commercial that follows a little girl through childhood, where she shows a bright eyed curiosity and a knack for science but is discouraged from it, is consistently told that she is pretty, told to keep her dress clean, to put the drill down and to be careful? And then in middle school she sees an advertisement for a science fair and doesn't give it a second glance? Yeah, as the mom of a little girl I felt a bit convicted. It's easy to focus on the cuteness of our little girls and to let that cuteness force them into pretty dresses. It's easy want to protect them from all harm, and thereby keep them from exploring things that might seem dangerous. So Zach and I have been trying to be mindful of not stressing Peyton's outer beauty and instead to focus on all of her gifts and curiosities. We try to allow her to get dirty, to play with rocks and trucks and jump off of things. We dream that if we allow her to explore her true i...