
Showing posts from 2015


Over the past six months I have done so much thinking about the need for more foster families. During National Foster Care Awareness month in May I heard number after number - over 20,000 children in foster care in LA county, over 60,000 in California.  I have been discouraged by the consistent high numbers of children in the system, waiting for someone to provide a safe, nurturing home.  I have wondered what difference we could possibly be making when the number is that high.  I have felt burdened to the point of wishing that I could stick my head in the sand and pretend that there was no need at all. Close my eyes, look the other way.  Revert to the old plan - small little family, our safe little life. Oh but what a selfish way to live. Pretending that the problem doesn't exist will not solve it.  Looking the other way does not give a child a warm bed.  I have lifted my tired heart to God and told him that I was tired of feeling called and hearing of th...

"I totally would If I.."

The month of May was National Foster Care Month.  In light of this I wanted to wrap up a few thoughts I had.  Much of our family's story is familiar to many of you who have have walked with us on this journey, the many of you who have cried with us and celebrated with us, have carried us when we've been exhausted, and have lived life alongside us.  Zach and I were so humbled and blessed to share our story in a few different settings over the month.  Humbled because so many of you out there have greater stories and have done so much more than we have, but we pray that God would use our  little  voices for his glory. We are not the poster children for foster care - what we are is the poster children for God's grace and redemption, as are each one of you who calls himself a Christ follower.  But prayerfully, our journey as a foster family would speak to you in your own walk with the Lord, in demonstrating God's amazing grace when we walk with faith. ...

Uncomfortable in God's Will

It's amazing the lasting impact that can come from one random conversation.  For me, one comment that has left a lasting impression on my life comes from a conversation that I had with my pastor's wife over 10 years ago.  We didn't talk regularly, and I can't remember how it came up, but I remember that we were talking after service one day, and she was telling me about their family's decision to move overseas as missionaries.  Her own parents didn't really seem to understand, and she said that she herself often doubted the decision.  But then she said something that I now am striving to live my life by.  She said, "Would you rather be comfortable and out of God's will or uncomfortable and in God's will?" I like to be comfortable.  And it's easy tell myself that I'm in God's will.  It's easy to accept the easy times as a "reward" and to take some "time off" from the uncomfortable things that God calls us ...

Dream big, Beautiful

Have you seen the Verizon commercial that follows a little girl through childhood, where she shows a bright eyed curiosity and a knack for science but is discouraged from it, is consistently told that she is pretty, told to keep her dress clean, to put the drill down and to be careful?  And then in middle school she sees an advertisement for a science fair and doesn't give it a second glance?  Yeah, as the mom of a little girl I felt a bit convicted.  It's easy to focus on the cuteness of our little girls and to let that cuteness force them into pretty dresses.  It's easy want to protect them from all harm, and thereby keep them from exploring things that might seem dangerous. So Zach and I have been trying to be mindful of not stressing Peyton's outer beauty and instead to focus on all of her gifts and curiosities.  We try to allow her to get dirty, to play with rocks and trucks and jump off of things.  We dream that if we allow her to explore her true i...