Hi, my name is Kali, and I am a Mom Who Needs To Breathe.

There. I said it. Now, why is that so hard to admit? Why is it that I feel the need to put on a happy face and pretend that I am so constantly energized by my two bouncing children that I want to take on the whole world; that being a stay-at-home mom is the greatest single feat I have ever and will ever accomplish? Why can't I just say that I love what I do, but I'm tired - that there are highs and lows to every day, just like there are in the working world? ** Side Note: If you aren't a stay-at-home mom, feel free to insert your own job. I simply say SAHM because it's my job. But I'm sure everyone has felt these things, be you a teacher, a doctor, a marine biologist, or a wedding planner (those are just some of the other things I wanted to be growing up). So why can't I admit that I am bone-tired? It's pretty simple, really. I would rather say, "Hi, I'm SuperMom!" Because being honest, might make it seem like I made a mistake in my...