The Toddler
This post is dedicated to my friend Vickie, who has gone through this stage three times with grace, and listens to me with sympathy and laughter. Toddler. The word to me conjures up images of exhaustion and terror. When you hear "baby", it's easy to ignore the sleepless nights and the constant crying, because images of giggles, pudgy smiles, cooing, lullabies, and strolls through the park are so strong. Toddler implies endless energy, willful independence, the possibility of tantrums at the store, spaghetti everywhere, and toys all over the house. These are definitely the adjectives I would have provided when I was childless. And with a baby, I had to know that when I got to this phase, somehow God would give me the grace to get through it. Oh, but how wrong I was! Don't get me wrong - I'm exhausted! A friend asked me if I had blogged recently and I replied that I hadn't found the time, that when M became a toddler, suddenly my time dis...