A Thanksgiving Report
Somehow November disappeared. As I look at our beautiful Christmas tree and the rain falling outside (our California version of snow) I don't know when we got here. Where did the month of Thanksgiving go? In light of the fact that I dropped of the radar for a month, I would like to post the top 3 things I am most thankful for. 1. The daily saving grace given to me by my Heavenly Father Being a mom is hard. Having fibromyalgia is hard. Being human is hard! But thankfully I'm not going through my day alone, and I have someone fighting in my corner, giving me strength when I need it, peace amidst turmoil, and wisdom when I lack it. I have a tendency to worry about the future, but thankfully I often hear my very wise mother's voice in my head: "One day at a time". We are given exactly what we need for the moment; why try to make things harder by adding the burdens of tomorrow? God's mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:2...